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The Links section has been greatly updated to provide over twice as many links as before. There are also many links to newsgroups about web building. Enjoy!
Thankyou to everyone who has contributed a message to the Grimace Network guestbook, keep those comments rolling on in!
Web builders maintaining fan sites for television shows beware: the companies are cracking down on web sites containing copyrighted material in a big way. Many sites have been either cut down or shut down by firms like Fox and Paramount, threatening legal action. This is because many fan sites have sections like 'Read a transcript of Episode 999' or 'Famous quotes from the show' or 'Listen to the Star Trek theme song', and according to the companies involved, this is a breach of the copyright contract. The majority of sites targeted are on the X-Files or Star Trek, and also sites about music bands etc. have been bullied into shrinking or being wiped off the net. Be sure that when you create your site, do not use pictures from official sites, lengthy texts from the show or whole songs from the show.